Promosi Green View Residence Wilayah Agam

Muhammad Rizky Marfi, Fauzan Aulia


Green View Residence is a housing complex located in Agam Regency, West Sumatra. This housing is aimed at the lower middle class, but due to the large number of housing complexes in Agam Regency and tight competition, unit sales from Green View Residence have not increased. To solve this problem, designers create promotional media. The aim of creating this promotional media is to promote to the wider community the products offered by Green View Residence in Agam Regency. The design method for this promotion uses the glass box method which consists of four stages, namely the preparation, incubation, lumination and verification stages. To find a good design concept, the author needs data that supports the work collected through interviews, observations and documentation carried out on the design object. The results of this work were used to increase the product's selling power to prospective unit buyers because previously the promotions carried out by the Green View Residence team were still inaccurate and monotonous. The main media for promotion uses brochures, while the supporting media used are social media, x-banners, tumblers, flyers, file folder, tote bags and motion graphic.

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