Promosi Merchandise Brand Antivist

Kiki Yulia Putra, Aditya Hanum Widarsa



This design aims to produce an attractive and effective promotional video so that metal band lovers can see how the quality and design of Brand Antivist. And can increase the popularity of Brand Antivist which will have an impact on increasing product sales from Brand Antivist itself. This design uses a 4D development model consisting of 4 main stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, and disseminate. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation. The data was analyzed using SWOT analysis consisting of strength, weakness, opportunity and threat. The results of designing Brand Antivist merchandise promotions are needed to attract the target audience to buy Brand Antivist merchandise. Based on this, the author reasoned to choose Brand Antivist merchandise to be promoted, because of the large interest of young people in metal music and the style of wearing Brand T-shirts with jeans suits and docmart shoes. This is an opportunity for the Antivist Brand to promote its merchandise by utilizing the current trend of young clothes and also the absence of promotional media in the form of videos that show how Antivist clothes design when worn. So a promotional video was made as the main media in conveying the strengths possessed by the Antivist brand merchandise.

Keywords: Brand Merchandise, Antivist, 4D Method

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